Are you ready for a smile makeover? Have you held off on repairing your smile for too long but are finally ready to make the plunge to give you the smile your mouth deserves? If so, consider a tooth restoration treatment that is right for you. Popular varieties include the following:
Tooth Whitening Systems
– A tooth whitening treatment system is designed to effectively eradicate deep stains and discolorations within your smile. The three most popular forms of tooth whitening treatments include professional teeth whiteners administered at the dentist office, at home whitening kits, and store-bought tooth whiteners purchased in a store or online. Speak with your dentist to determine which product is right for you.
Dental Veneers
– If you’re looking to conceal the look of a tooth, a dental veneer is an excellent choice. Dental veneers are thin, durable shells that are placed directly on the fronts of teeth for the aesthetic look your smile needs.
Dental Crowns
– To fully conceal a tooth, dental crowns can be used. Dental crowns are also highly effective at keeping teeth safe from future decay that may arise. Dental crowns can be customized to the size, shape, and color your smile desires.
To discuss your tooth restoration options with Dr. Purvesh Malaviya and the rest of our team at Creative Dental Group, simply book an appointment at our dentist office in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Our number is 508-990-9900. Let us help you with all of your oral health care needs.